Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Think about it

If quitters never win, and winners never quit, than who is the fool who
said, "Quit while you're ahead"

Well I said it. My reasons for coming up with this saying is I wanted to win so I figured if the people ahead of me quit I would win. I mean come on I wanna win and I will do what it takes to win mainly cheat.
Power to the cheaters

Thursday, February 19, 2009


This was a great movie. The story line was awesome and how they made the movie just made it better. For instance there were a lot of quick cuts just from one person to the next that wasn't even in the same place. This made the effect of importance that much more felt. Also the quick pace of the movie the camera not staying in one place or looking at one thing for a long time. The background music would always match the scene and would atop at the perfect moment every time leaving complete salience right before something was about to happen building up every moment of the movie.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


The movie jumper was done in a way to complement the story line. by this i mean the camera moved in a way that would pull the viewer into the movie. For instance there was the scenes where he was running or fighting, the camera would move suddenly to follow him as he jumped. But at times when he wasn't running or fighting the camera would cut but no as suddenly. also there was the sound which was done pretty well, There is good background sound that doesn't distract you from the foreground sound which was not to loud and over powering which pulled you into the movie more cause it seamed as though you were right there in the scene with the actors as part of the movie.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My birthday

Today is me birthday. Woot for me I'm now 18 and today was messed up. I mean really it was good but really I don't even know what happened today its like I wasn't there. I'm not saying it was bad but I had a weird bay just like a dream out of control. Jokes going way out of control and just wow. And I'm sure that it will be even more out of control when I get to school tomorrow. But atlest nothing bad happened to me wich is a good thing.

Oh and I don't Blog to much
I do other things to like play GAMES

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Paths of Glory

Despite the fact that it was a black and white, it had great color, meaning they were some scenes where it was bright and you could clearly see the different colors of objects in the scene even though there was only gray, one could easily tell them apart unlike some films which just make everything seams all one shade of gray. The scenes in which they were the three men were locked up waiting to be killed was done great. The low lighting give a feel of hopelessness, the low light also meant that there was little color difference between the men and the room, putting everything into the same hopeless state. Then there was the ending scene where they were being killed, the whole thing made it so that you would be focused on the men being kill the lighting though bright only give it a greater feeling of dread and hopelessness that a day like this such a horrible thing could happen. Just enhancing the feel of the movie and pulling you deeper and deeper into the movie.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I saw on CNN our brand new president. But he said something i couldn't believe he said he made mistakes. Yes mistakes not a mistake but mistakes. Now I'm not one of the most up to date people but i do know our last president didn't say he made a mistake no mater how many he made, and really there is such a thing as to honest. But my point is He's the new guy and he should be showing the world that he is the man and its not time to mess with me. Not I'm the new guy and i screwed up already mess with me.

A DTV service pack

This article was comparing the transition to DTV with that of the transition to vista that they went through. Saying that with anything new there will be problems at first but in time they will be solved. also there will be compatibly problems just like vista DTV means all non digital equipment. So this is important to the fact that we shouldn't judge something new before we fix errors before it is fully in use like vista and DTV.